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Thursday 16 March 2017


Name:                            ATIM CHRISTIANA
Matric No:                    PGDE/PT/16/3351
Course                           SOCIOLOGY OF EDUCATION
 The society is face with so many challenges both within and outside the school.  As a well-trained teacher suggests ways the following can be controlled in schools.
Sexual harassment, cultism and exam malpractice.   
The triple challenges of sexual harassment, cultism and exam-malpractice are perhaps the greatest problems confronting our youths today. In recent times these plagues have assume a frightening and deadly dimension. That spread in school in Nigeria in enough to give every caring and concerned stakeholder a sense to lose sleep.
          Before, on attempt would be made to suggest ways these can be controlled in schools, an effort would be made to define the terms so as to have an insight into their nature.
          Sexual harassment is boiling or coercing a sexual nature or the in welcome or in appropriate promise of rewards in exchange for sexual famous
          Cultism on the other hand of is a secret group of people engaged in a form of rituals usually under oath, binding the members to a common cause
          Examination –malpractice is any form of deliberate cheating on examination which provides one or more candidates with an unfair advantage or disadvantage. It is any act before, during or after the examination that is not consistent with the ethics of examination.
          As a well-trained teacher, I suggest the following a control measures for the itemized challenge and issue: 

1.     Parent, teacher the school authorities and religious bodies should encourage young people to uphold high moral standard. If high standard of morality is uphold the level of sexual defilement would be reduced
2.     The school authority enforces measures that ensure that young people dress decently. Seductive dressing should be erected and punished accordingly on a deferent to those who would want to copy it.
3.     The school authority should take punitive measures against the students that are involved in any form of sexual harassment such as shape, pornography etc.
4.     Student should be educated and sensitized on the dangers of sexual harassment and how to prevent it. the school authority and religion bodies  should be at the fore front of organizing seminars and workshops that give such   enlightenment

1.     There should be a practical law bannering cultism in schools. Everybody in the school environment in respective of position must be strapped    by the law from practicing any form of cultism.
2.     There should be proper satisfaction and enlightenment or the danger of cultism so that the students will be aware. The school authority and religious bodies should lead campaign that condemn this various act and enlighten the younger people on how to avoid getting entangled in cult’s activities.
3.     Cult members in schools should be treated on armed robbers and assassins. They should be severely punished ranging from suspension and expulsion to even imprisonment.
4.     Teachers  who involved in cult activities in schools should be sacked so an  not  to corrupt the younger ones
5.     Parents should enforce discipline on their children they adopt good parenting style, have time for their children, visiting them at school and monitor them. They should also live exemplary liven and desist from all secret organization.  
1.     Students, teachers, parents and even the society of large should be continuously reminded and kept aware of negative effects of malpractice on the students and the society of large. Workshops and seminars should be organized to emphasize the importance of hard work and diligence.
2.     Parents need to take it upon themselves to ensure that their children and words are not only getting the best tutoring but are also studying properly for upcoming exams.
3.     Adequate qualified teachers should be provided by the government for schools especially those owned by the government and insist that private schools to do the same. The government must ensure that teachers have the requisite training certification before being engaged to do the job. The welfare of teacher should also be considered seriously by the government. This  would to a long way to encouraging teachers to put in their  best
4.     These should also be improved supervision in examination   hall. Adequate invigilators and supervisor should be assigned to conduct any exam.
5.      Stiffer and proactive penalties should be put in place and A appropriately administered   on the offenders. Those involved in any form of exam malpractice should be properly and accordingly punished to as to act on a deterred to others.
With the above suggestions, I think even if these heinous  crime are not totally eradicated, they will go a long  way to reducing them to the barest minimum.

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