Defining the Focus:
those who are inclined to behave that the United Nations organization (UNO) has
relevance in world peace, the widely reported maneuvering of its permanent
security members into the affairs of
other nations will come as a rude surprise. France, who feels Nigeria, was not
her colonial child is in the forefront of the destabilization process of
Nigerian political, economic and social stability. This has emanated from
destabilization of North and West Africa to have control over the Sahara desert
and the outlying areas for the purpose of mining cheap uranium. France was the
first country to recognize the failed break away of Azawad in Mali. It was
France that airdrop weapons to the so - called Libyan rebels only that 85% of
the weapons were deliberately allowed to fall in the hands of the Tuaregs and
Al- Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb (AQIM).1 France is known for her undemocratic
policies ever since the period of colonial possession of Africa. The Arabs who
made up bulk of the population of Algeria were denied political rights.2
French colonial policy seemed to have provided access to political process, but
this participation was sporadic and without undue relevance until
decolonization was well advanced.3
Viewed negatively, the reported
involvement of France does appear to hold out a serious threat to the politicalsovereignty
of nations in general and Nigeria in particular. This failure can be attributed
to the failure of the United Nations because of its disappointing progress. The
failure of it members particularly France that is a permanent member of the
Security Council in attributed to the failure of United Nations. Though we are aware
that, all powers great and small, resent interference in what they consider to
be domestic affair. The Boko Haram insurgence is by no means a domestic
politics but hydra-headed and dreaded phenomenon affiliated to Al Qaeda and associates
in an international disruption order.
This paper will attempt to highlight
the mandate of the United Nations Organization which we equally think Nigeria as a nation, is a stakeholder
showing how far and how good Nigeria as
contributed to Africaand World peace
only to be rewarded with international destabilization through sponsored insurgent activities for the Boko Haram. Nigeria is a peace-
loving state and has promoted international cooperation in economic, social,
cultural, educational and medical fields. She has assisted in the realization
of human rights and fundamental freedom for all. On the African continent,
Nigeria is simply the “Giant of Africa” providing succor to the less-privileged
States. She has been instrumental to the jettisoning of apartheid policy
especially on Southern Africa.What also could she have done to be acknowledged
and supported in her stabilization process? We will conclude by looking at the
internal mechanisms for our elimination of any insurgency even if international
efforts fail us. Our military must also be hailed aside of the technical support of some of our African neighbors like Cameroon, Chad and Niger, who not minding the negative mind-set of their colonel master, bailed us out of it.
the UNO Mandate.
Based on the
unhealthy crises and lack of peace and safety
in matters of social, political and economic welfare,4 a
remedy was sought in matters of ‘collective
security’, that, nations must agree to
the principle that, in matters which touch more than one nation, they will be bound by the decision arrived at by a common
international body in which all nations are in some way represented.5The
world wars of 1914-18 and 1939-45 also showed that human beings are in dire
need of international security as a result of the failure of national security.
The understanding was that “every state or group of states cannot be stronger
than every other state or group.6The rule of law and collective
security sought would pivot on three fundamental principles namely (i) states
must agree to the principle that, in matters which affect other state besides
their own, they will accept the rule of conduct laid down by a common international
authority as binding on themselves; (ii) they must agree to renounce the right
to settle dispute by making war, (iii) they must bind themselves to regard any
act of war by any state in breach of this primaryobligation as an act of War against themselves and to come to the assistance of
the victim of the aggression.7
Records have it that, the League of Nations formed
in 1919 failed, though it succeeded in minor spheres of activity. It was
against the failure of the League of Nations that the UNO was finally formed on
the 24th October, 1945, at San Francisco in California (United
States of America). The main aim of its
formation been peace-loving.
Other than the many organs, the Security Council
comprising of fifteen members: the five permanent and the ten non- permanent,
the permanent members are from China, France, Russia, the United Kingdom and
United States of America. The non-permanent members are elected by the assembly
for two year-term.8Top on the agenda on the security council is to maintain international
security besides the investigation of any dispute or any situation, the continuance of it might
lead to international friction or give rise to dispute to the extent that,
the Security Council to call upon some members
or all members to make available the forces, facilities or assistance
thus agreed upon , including national air force contingents which member- states would hold immediately
available to enable urgent military
measures to be taken by the organization.9
In principle
therefore, the foundation of peace- building had been layed as summarized above concerning the mandate
of the UNO. It must however be pointed
out here that, the practicality of such
a facility could only be achieved as much as possible if the member- states
corporate among themselves and to a large extent refuse to involve themselves in conflicts with other
member- states. There would also be greater peaceif member- states settle their
internal crises as a matter of building international peace and security. This
observation is necessary because Nigeria as a nation- state has done far above
average to be applauded by the international community in her efforts to
maintain national and international peace and security. To this we turn now.
Foreign Policy vis-à-vis UNO Peace- building Process.
A foreign policy according to Professor Oyovbaire in
Ubaka is “the overall orientation and policy intentions of a particular country
towards another. Foreign policy… implies the objectives behind country
interrelations with other nations of the world and the means through which
these objectives are pursued.”10 Nigeria’s Foreign Policy can be summarized as follow:
This implies the refusal of Nigeria as a nation to support any of the two
blocks or superpowers namely Union of Soviet Socialist Republics (USSR) and the
United States of America (USA), and their allies. The support of Nigeria either
way is indicative of the supporting conflicts which will be against themindset
of the UNO. This Nigeria has not done and therefore is indicative that she
supports the UNO in all ways to eliminate conflicts on the globe.
has always featured in world politics as a non- aggressive state. Respect for
other nations, peaceful coexistence and the discouragement of war and settlement
of conflicts as well as the campaign against colonialism on the African
continent andelsewhere in the world are evidences to Nigeria’s non-aggressive posture.
A good example could be that of the peaceful settlement of the Bakasi Peninsula
which she ceded to Cameroon on international order and jurisprudence. Nigeria
spearheaded the collapse of the policy of Apartheid in South Africa. She
supported liberation movements in Namibia Zimbabwe, Mozambique, Angola, Zambia11
and today the African continent is not under and colonial domination by foreign
as the Centerpiece of Nigeria- this is the concern
of Nigeria to make sure the whole of the problems and difficulties, be they
political, economic, social, scientific and otherwise are the concerns of
Nigeria. Ubaka puts it that, Nigeria pays the greatest attention to the African
continent and the rest of the world.12
Nigeria is a member to almost all international
communities namely Economic Community of West African States (ECOWAS) and she
plays a leading role on this sub- regional organization. She is a member of
African Union (AU)and as already underscored, African is the centerpiece of
Nigerian’s foreign policy and what that implies must be applauded in all
ramifications. Nigeria is also a member of the UNO. Here too, her role as the
‘Big Brother’ of all African countries cannot be overemphasized. The UNO has
acknowledge this role and use Nigeria to penetrate difficult political terrains
and economic interests around Africa. This she does through the Commission for Medication,
Conciliation and Arbitration and the Economic and Social Commission beside
other Technical committees such as Education
and Cultural Commission; Health, Sanitation and Nutrition Commission; Defence
Commission and the Scientific, Technical
and Research Commission.
Nigeria’s leadership role on the continent has
brought African unity as the African continent speaks with one voice on
international forum such as the UNO. This has to some extent suffocated
conflicts and division that were rife based on colonial mentality and has gone
a long way in diffusing the Anglophone and Francophone factors on the continent. One can see clearly
the problem of France with Nigeria here as she (France) feels Nigeria is
against her international plans to subjugate Third-world economies.
Nigeria has contributed greatly toworld peace
beginning with the pursuit of peace on the ECOWAS, AU and the rest of the world.For
example,Nigeria was in the lead of all African Heads of States and governments
to intervene in the MiddleEast conflict between Israel and her Arab neighbors.13
Beyond, the political and economic
scene, Nigerian’s have put their feet on the sand of time in their intellectual
defence of human dignity not just for the Africans but the world over. The likes
of Chief Obafemi Awolowo and Dr, Nnamdi Azikiwe among others passed unto others
the philosophical, economic and socio-political ideas of liberation on the
continent based on human dignity, respect for others and human life. Awolowo
was known for his “Socialism” while Azikiwe was known for his “Neo- Welfarism.”They
therefore became the band of zealous reformers and ‘evangelists’ of the old and
new isms which have influence the general
pattern of human life everywhere in the world.14 Indeed, Dr. Nnamdi
Azikiwe was nicknamed “Zik of Africa”,15 judging from his Pan-
African approach and statesmanship. 16
There are even records to show that Nigeria has always offered some
of her military and police forces to help keep peace around the world since
gaining independence in 1960. Nigeria has shown interest and commitment to
world peace in the numerous peace keeping operations around the world. Over
100, 000 Nigerian troops have served in UN peace-keeping missions around the
world since her first participation.17
the above analyses on Nigeria’s foreign policy in accordance with the UNO, aims
at showcasing how Nigeria atall times supports the activities of the UNO in all
ramifications and particularly towards the drive to world peace.Rather than
dislodge Nigeria’s political, economic, social and cultural plans, we thought,
the UNO should have supported Nigeria since what she is doingis not against the
objectives of the world body. But the
world governing body has left much to be
desired and has rewarded Nigeria in punitive measures which is what we call
United Nations and her ‘reparations’ to
Nigeria in terms of wars, hunger and discontentment.
United Nations and Her ‘Reparations’
to Nigeria in terms of Wars, Hunger and Discontentment.
We would like to begin this segment by and
explanation of what constitutes‘reparation’- the act of giving something to
somebody or doing something for them in order to show that you are sorry for suffering
that you have caused.18 According to Walter Rodney, “the development
of Africa by the colonialists was acynical short-hand expression for the
intensification of colonial exploitation in Africa to develop capitalist Europe”.
19 For over seventy years, Europe plundered Africa and developed and
revolutionized their technology to enter a nuclear stage. This led to Africa’s
position vis-a-vis its colonizers become more disadvantageous in the political,
economic and military spheres. 20 The rise of the preparations
movement and the collective power of African and Asian nations to force the
West to confrontits own history. In
1999, the African World Reparation and Reparation Truth Commission called for the West to pay $777
million to Africa within five years.21
Rather than pay back for the damage they caused
to the Africans, the West is paying back through wars, hunger,
destitution, terrorism and the like, yet the UNO in its globalization
agenda is in support of
international imperialism of
money, where by the rich grows richer and the poor poorer, and globalization has been understood by many
as the pinnacle of imperialism (imperium sine fine) whereby there is an element of political, economic and cultural domination of some
nations over others. 22
Focusing our search light on the UNO, it has
undoubtedly accomplished much in its non-political work. A look at the history
of UNO since 1945 shows that it has made only disappointing progress with the
problem of disarmament. Like the League of Nations, it has been caught up in
the rivalries of the great powers and often prevented from taking effective
action. 23 Our understanding here is that the success or failure of
the UNO is the success or failure of its members.24 The organization
represents the collective will of the nations of the world. This implies that,
it has no existence in isolation so when
it may be said to ‘fail’ therefore the ‘failure’ is that of the nations
as a whole who have lacked the determination, the unity and perhaps the
strength to achieve ‘success’. 25 Some of these failures include the
and Terrorist activities
The world has witnessed a number of
catastrophicfailures resulting inmillions ofinnocent civilian deaths. Experts have
agreed that “Modern” terrorism began with the 1968 hijacking of ElAl Israel Flight 426 by a Palestinian
terrorist organization. The UNO condemned the action, but failed to take any
further action.These terrorists acts continued throughout the remainder of the
twentieth century, with no reaction from the UNO, a simple condemnation was as
far as they would go.26
Something a little more concerted was put in place
after the terrorist attack on United States of American on September, 2011. The
UNO took action by outlawing terrorism and pushing those responsible for the
attacks. But this applied only to Al Qaeda and the Taliban state funded
terrorist programs- such as Hamas, Hezbollah, and Mossad were unaffected.
Nations that support groups that are widely linked to terrorism, such as Iran
are not held accountable specifically for these actions. As we write, the UNO still does not have a
clear definition of terrorism and the way to go about tackling it. 27
Nuclear Proliferation ofArms:
FitzGerald informs that, at the
creation of the UNO in 1945, United States of America (USA) was the only nation
in the world to own and test nuclear weapons. Twenty-five years later, the
nuclear non-proliferation treaty was signed by one hundred and ninety nations
(190) including five nations that admitted to own unclear weapons namely
France, England, Russia, China and the USA. Despite this treaty, nuclear
stockpiles remain high and numerous nations continue to develop these devastating
weapons including North Korea, Israel, Pakistan and India. This has clearly
shownthat the UNO has not been effective and unable to enforce crucial rules
and regulations on offending nations.28
Veto Power of the Security Council:
By veto power it is meant that, a single
permanent member can stop a resolution from passing even when all other members
have approved it. 29That is to say, if the ten(10) non-permanent
members with four(4) of the permanent
members agree on a resolution but one(1) permanent member disagrees,
such a resolution will not be implemented. It will be recalled that the
Security Council is the most powerful organ of the UNO. Its primary duty is to
maintain world peace and security.30 This council consists of fifteen
members, five of which are permanent: France, Russia, China, United States of
America and the United Kingdom. The other tennations are elected to serve for
two year term. The five permanent members enjoy the luxury of veto power as
defined above. Demonstrably, in 1996,
Russia, Britain, France, and China voted in favour of a second five year-term
of the office for Boutrous Boutrous Ghali of Egypt, the first African to occupy
the post of Secretary General of the UNO. American vetoed the decision and
denied the Egyptian a second term.31This was seen in the light of
America’s interest in Israel and the non-conformity of Ghali to American- Israelrelationship
asEgypt was seento be Israel arch-enemy. This created more wounds in the
Egyptian polity and aggression against American and Israel.
Besides, a more recent case of veto
was by China and Russia on July 19th, 2012. The Security Council attempted
to evoke chapter VII sanctions from the United Nations charter to intervene and
prevent genocide in Syria. But the vetoes of China and Russia halted and international intervention.
Since the Syrian civil war began, an estimated 60,000 civilians have been
killed with thousands more displaced. 32 One matter arising from
this veto power clearly indicates that the victorious at the 1945 kept the
right to veto and they have used it dispassionately and with bias, creating
more security and peace challenges than achieving same. To check this, in 1950 the General Assembly
passed a “Uniting for peace” resolution, which claimed that if the Security
Council, through lack of agreement among its permanent members, failed to act
effectively to maintain peace, theGeneral Assembly could do so even to the
extent of recommending the use of armed forces. But the charter was not amended
and it remains open to dispute whether two –third majority in the General
Assembly could overrule a veto in the Security Council.33 We can
conclude conveniently that the legacy of the UNO if any has been
the creation of fear, social insecurity, violence and political instability.
all indication, the UNO has not democratized security to the members’, talk
less of non-members who like religion will be convinced to democratize peace
and security and join the organization. The UNO has not democratized social
equality either. In fairness to the big question of the provision of security
around the global, it has provided security to its permanent security members
than the rest of the one hundred and eighty seven members. They are rather
interested in the protection of their individual country rights, control of the
economy of the world as can be seen just below.
The United States of America and
The emergence of USA as the world’s only
superpower after the destabilization of USSR means that “ignorant passivity and
belligerence of America will worsen the leadership problems of Africa”. Hagher
again mentions that “…constructive engagement and cooperation of the USA will
positively impact on Africa”.34 Judging by the leadership of USA and
the rest of us, it can be rightly concluded that, the leadership of America is
one that has not given much room for optimism. America’s response to the
world’s crises seems to be characterized by the scale of preferences for
American lives, followed by the European, Caucasian, other humans, animals and
lastly African live. 35
Today, everywhere in Africa there is
war resulting from primarily western influences and partly poor leadership qualities
of our leaders. Yet very little or
nothing is done by American to help the recovery of these situations and
sometimes worsen them. Take for example, when a former president of the United
States of America J.W. Bush (SR) once dispatched troops to Somalia to save
lives of the starving Somalians, the United States ended up becoming engaged in
the battle of which the war lord was to be recognized in Somalia. So rather
than save lives they lost American lives and instead, killed thousands of
Somalians. America becomes Somalia’s chief warlord. 36
The Rwandan genocide has shown the
darkness of the human heart of western insensitivity to Africa. USA already
aware of the building to the genocide in Rwandaprevailed on the rest of the
world and the United Nations to look the other way to avoid the shame of
Somalia.Almost a million lives were lost in Rwanda, yet successive American
presidents stood in- between and held hands with Yaser Arafat and successive Israeli
Prime Ministers in the Middle East crisis.37
Great Britain and Africa.
The primary thing that brought
Britain and Africa was imperialism. Long after the so called termination of
colonialism, the real friendly lies have not been enacted; entangled in the UNO
many problems, she (Britain) has not paid sufficient attention to African’s
development programmes except where her interest is considered uppermost. The
commonwealth, an umbrella organization where all former British colonies meet suffers
the same weakness like the UNO and is reluctant tointerfere in the internal
affairs and often powerless to settle disputes even between members. 38 Every
member is always very careful to preserve national interest and hardly is any
member prepared to place the common good first.
Besides, though formed to provide or
promote defence and cooperation, the lack of power to enforce decisions,
divided loyalty, differences in foreign policies and lack of charter, do not allow it to govern its
to some extent, the United Kingdom has said it has helped Nigeria in the
fight against Boko Haram and find those
abducted girls and has also increased humanitarian support to reach those in need, besides the
fact that she has continued to
provide intelligence and increased military support. More is expected of her
than any other advanced country because Nigeria was her colonial child and she
is still benefitting from this relationship.
France and the rest of Africa.
a former colonial master and political ‘heavy-weight’ among the
European Union has always made efforts at solving African problems especially those countries that priorly belonged to her as colonial
children.This can be seen from below: On January 11, 2013, France launched
airstrikes against jihadist’s positions northern Mali as part of Operation
Server. This operation that ended in 2014 involved 4,000 French soldiers who
eventually helped Mali to push the Al Qaeda-linked rebels out from the north of
the country.39
In Chad, French troops have also played some role since late
1986 as part of Operation Epervier.At N’Djamena,
Chad’s capital a contingent of 800 French soldiers helped provide Chadian authorities with aeriel surveillance on the advance of Sudanese
government-supported rebels, acting as a crucial force multiplier for Chadian dictator Idris Deby during battles in
the capital in 2006 and 2008. As part of global mission to tackle
militancy across Africa, France launched
Operation Barckhane in 2014 as a continuation of Operation Epervier and Operation
Servel, which had its headquarters at
N’Djamena and about 1,200 troops were stationed at Chad.40
also helped restore democracy in Irony Coast. After gaining independence in
1960, the two countries had positive relations that were worsened under President
Laurent Gbagbo from 2002. A civil war
split Ivory Coast in halves and the French intervened in Operation Unicorn.
Peace was largely brokered by 2007 but the country remained effectively divided
and French soldiers continued to stay in
the country. In 2011 violence again flared as Gbagbo refused to hand over power
to his democratically elected successor, Alassane Quattara. French troops
again played a key role in removing Gbagbo from power. 41
Concerning Nigeria, France came on board in what was a
grand plan to eliminate Boko Haram. French President Francois Hollande and President
Muhammadu Buhari agreed to strengthen military cooperation to crush Boko Haram.
After the meeting,President Mohammadu Buhari
said the European Union (EU) and others
had pledged 916 Million Euros ($1.035billion)
to help rebuild Nigeria from the impacts of the Islamic militant group, which
among other things had displaced more
than 2 Million people in the country
especially the northeast.42
Again, leaders met in Abuja on a
Saturday following a summit also attended by the Heads of State from Cameroon, Niger, Chad and
Benin, and representatives of the USA, UK and EU. In that meeting a major goal
was to help orchestrate the safe return of more than 200 Nigerian school girls
abducted in April 2014. President
Hollande specifically said, “on the issue of Boko Haram, when there is a threat
to a country in African there is a threat to France.” He also said France will share intelligence,
help with counter insurgency training and provide equipment to those fighting
the group.43
But much is left to be seen and desired as
France is mentioned in several other deals around Africa. First and foremost, France was the First
country to recognize the failed
breakaway of Azawad in Mali. It was
France that airdropped weapons to the so called Libyan rebels only that 85% of
the weapons were deliberately allowed to fall in the hand s of Tuaregs and Al Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb
(AQIM).These two events were to be the steroid that grew Boko Haram into a
It has also
been argued that Boko Haram have
made inroads with new financiers who are from Borno and boarding areas
of Cameroon’s extreme North region who are Kanuri like Yusuf, Shekau and most
Boko Haram Member. These financiers provide Boko Haram with weapons and a route
to negotiate with the Cameroon government in kidnapping for ransom operations.
That Boko Haram was paid N500million
($3.15million) to free seven French hostages kidnapped in February 2013. The
insurgent group kidnapped the French hostages in Cameroon on February 19 near
Wasa National Park in Northern Cameroon, which borders North-Eastern Nigeria. Apart from the money the insurgent were paid,
Cameroon authorities also released some Boko Haram suspects in detention
as part of the deal. This was due
largely because the sect had threatened in a video released on YouTube
in march, to kill the hostages unless Nigeria and Cameroon released some of its
members in custody. Nigeria’s Boko Haram
was paid more than $12 million before
releasing a French Roman Catholic priest, Georges Vandebeusch kidnapped in November, 2013.45
Similarly the
Cameroonian authorities paid Boko Haram
insurgents at least $400,000 in ransom
in order to secure the release of Francoise Agnes Mouskouri, wife of Vice Prime
Minister Amadou Ali. The New York Times found that France once
paid up to $28 million in ransom to a Al Qaeda affiliate in West Africa, as
well as indicating a willingness to cooperate
with and fund Jihadists. France has denied both incidents in which French citizens were returned unharmed. We ask, did they just want
to avoid the harm of their citizens? Otherwise why didn’t they cooperate with countries concerned to rescue
their citizens?
Currently, oil from Lake Chad in being drilled by
the republic of Chad and transferred
to a stationary FPSO- Floating, Production, Storage and Offloading
Vessel, which can store over 2
million barrels of oil and processed oil
shipped through tankers to the international refiners’ at the Port of Le Havre
in France.46
We are yet to be satisfied concerning
the activities of France on their relationship with Boko Haram. We feel France has not felt sorry
for the harm they caused on the African soil by wiping out the large Muslim
states of the Western Sudan, as well as
Dahomey and kingdoms in Madagascar.47 And by using force as they did during the colonial era to take
away our oil, by being authoritarian, undemocratic, disruptive and
exploitative in character. France it must be noted has created new lines of
division such as Anglophone versus Francophone in Africa, that has proved difficult to obliterate and an international economic relationship of
inter-African economic units.48 Is this a new brand
of colonialism?
The Boko Haram Saga.
Boko Haram simply means “Western
education is evil or sin.” Their aim is to impose its own version of Islamic Law
in Nigeria. It is a fact that Boko Haram
are an appendage of Al Qaeda a similar dissident Islamic group that killed
almost 3,000 people on September 11, 200. Boko Haram has killed more than
20,000 in seven years and have caused a damage of at least and $9 million
according to government estimates. After driven out of their large expenses of
territory, the group has resorted to suicide bombings and massacres in remote
villages. Their violence has spilled over to Nigeria’s neighbours including
Chad, Niger and Cameroom.49 Both Al Qaeda and Boko Haram are resulting
from the failure of UNOnuclear non-proliferation treaty signed by 190 nations including France, England, Russia, China and USA.
Matters Arising from Boko Haram
like the emergence of Al Qaeda terrorist activities in other parts of the
world Boko Haram though not a decent way of taking up grievances
against the government and people of Nigeria, it is a pointer to the
fact that, corruption has eaten deep into
the socio-political and economic life of Nigeria as a nation. This is an indication that all
is not well. The prevailing situation of economic injustice in Nigeria has been
largely blamed on rampant corruption, especially among public office holders. All
these has been buttressed by recent shocking revelations of colossal amounts of
public funds that were literally stolen by highly placed government officials
including even former Head of state. His holiness the Pope once wrote as
Africa’s economic
problems are compounded by the dishonesty of corrupt government leaders who, in
connivance with domestic or foreign private interests, divert national resource
for their own profit or foreign private interests, divert national resources
for their own profit and transfer public funds to private accounts in foreign
wonder therefore that the present prime Minister of Britain David Cameron
called Nigeria “Fantastically corrupt.”51
Again, like the adamantbehavior of
the world leaders namely USA, China, Britain, France and Russia, our leaders
should know that their concern which is always preferred to the concern of
other Nigerians will not pave way for success but more undemocratic agitations
will emerge. Boko Haram is just one
numerous other groups contending
the peace and security of this
nation include kidnapping gangs, cattle rustlers armed robbers, hostage takers
that demand large sums of money for the
release of their victims and so no.
Again, the Catholic Secretariat of Nigeria informs:
The situation of formed
is that a few highly place Nigerians have cornered the lion’s share of the nation’s
resources as their own private possession, even where, they clearly have no
need for all the wealth that they have accumulated. At the same time, a vast
majority of Nigerians are victims of poverty and destitution.Unemployment has
reached it highest level ever.More people are out of job… the result is that a growing
number of men and women of
working age are unable to earn money
with which to feed themselves and their
families, pay their house rent, send their children to school and pay their
medical bills. 52
sees a gloomy picture and states that, “The African leader… is getting richer
and more comfortable while the disorder, violence, crime, wars and death become
more acute.”53 But the pertinent question is: What do we do?
Reclaiming the Lost Past and Protecting
the Future.
We need to understand that a wrong had been
committed either by the leaders or the followers or both as long as Africa and
Nigeria is concerned. Human morality and human essence reveals that corruption,
environmental decay, human rights violation, death, and starvation man due to poverty,
human aggression and violence are unacceptable wherever they exist.
A God- centered leadership and
followership as part of the reclamation would require all leaders and followers
to operate within the matrix of concern on issues of greatly peace and freedom.
A God centered leadership and followership by all citizens will rule out the
possibility of religious acrimony and social conflict on the basis of ethnicity,
political difference and a plurality of other differential.
Our religions education should be
that of religious harmony and tolerance to achieve the highest possible good by
adjusting our difference in line with the demand of the creator, God. Modes of
worship may differ from one religion to another, symbols and ceremonies of
worship may differ but religious have one thing in common – to live to do
according to the will of God Almighty creator and controller of the universe.
We are accountable to him.
Then, this will guide and direct us
to harmonized and protect our common humanity. Hagher succinctly affirms this
that, “A politician’s faith, his belief in the after life, in the final
judgment of his creator and in the moral code and ethics of his religion will
influence his actions and the choice of
options available to him.” 54 This
applies also to a ruler or the executive, the legislator and the judge. The
common man on the street applies his religious understanding of followership
and legitimately supports the God – centered leader with his positive
leadership style.
Then a God – centered education
which neither is anti- God in content, practice or intent nor discourages
directly or indirectly due reverence to God, religious education and the
Godworshipping habits of students, 55 must be taught.The loss of our
past has shown that families no
longer see it fashionable to teach the
growing child the fear of God but let
them loose to roam our streets and the unintended orientation is taught rather than the intended wisdom.
In the final analysis, the benefits
of restoring God to the lives of our future generation make it our only hope us
a people firmly resolved to live in unity and harmony as one indivisible and
indissoluble sovereign nation under God as was declared categorically in the
preamble of our present constitution.56
This conclusion of the paper will
look like of appeal or advice to the Boko Haram insurgent group. Their
understanding of Western education or civilization as evil or sin has created
doubts in the truth of their pursuit.The Tiv people of Central Nigeria would
say “Ka wea venda Kpev, u karen kwar na ga” (a person who does not eat He-goat
meat does not share its meat to others). Boko Haram hasforgotten thatall the
war or militaryequipment’s they use including communication gadgets are product
of western education and scientific development.Yet,they deny the relevance of such orientation. This
is a pointer to the fact that they are contradicting themselves. They should embraceWestern education to
promote good life and not destructive ambition. Afterall, most of them are
trained in western style and cannot turn to tell us that western education is
Above all, the dynamism of every
world-view permits the uploading of what is essential to be accepted or
rejected, not the two put together.These aspects they consider to be bad should
be improved upon by their thorough and investigative educational and scientific research to solve practical task, butnot to destroy,
which is worse than what they consider worse. Ibu Sina Abu-Ali (Avicenna) an
Islamic faithful in his philosophy preserved both the materialist and idealist tendencies
of Aristotle, deviating on some questions from Aristotelians towards
Neo-Platonism. Similarly, Ibn Rushd Mohammed or Ibn Roshd (Averroes) and Arab
philosopher and scientist who lived in Spain without breaking with the Muslim
religion developed the Materialist elements of Aristotle’s philosophy. You do
not change things or processes by destroying; you can only change something
positively if you want yourself considered on inventor not a destructor.This last
advice in for all Nigerians. The change
should begin with you and me for the better even when things appear not to
favour us.
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